Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Passing of Time

Hello to my sparce readership!! LMAO!! Today I was thinking... why is it when you get past say 30 or so, the years simply fly by? I mean I can remember being in my 20's quite well, hell, even early 30's. One day you blink and KABAM!!! It's not right.... :( I mean, I still feel like I'm in my 20's, I look like I'm in my 20's, why do I have to be getting old!

All this is brought on by the fact that my oldest child is graduating from high school in two weeks. It sucks. I'm not sad that he's graduating or growing up, I'm fine with that aspect of it all. What I'm REALLY UPSET about is the fact that that means I'm getting old!!!!!!!!!!!!

K... that's my rant for the day!

1 comment:

Brother Kojak said...

Thats because we at our 30's subconsciously realize that we are at the halfway mark in our lives. Ain't much more time left. Besides, in your 30's you are established and pretty grounded so the stuff you do is very monotamous (re: redundant). So, when big events happen they are years apart as opposed to months. I'm breaking this down to much....forget I said anything!