Monday, July 18, 2005

ok... yeah... i've been delinquent!

Yeah, I've been delinquent. I know... over month since I blogged! Bad girl!!! LOL

I have been really busy this summer, kids going here and there and since I'm the driver... well you get the idea.

I've also had two deaths at work in the last two weeks, that was difficult to deal with and, they say deaths come in three's... I keep looking around wondering who the next one will be and hoping it's not me! I know, it's morbid...

So what else? Ahhhh yes, broke as a joke! Hatin' on the JOB! Jeez I need a vacation! You know, the kind where you just hang out at the beach all day long... basking in the sun, enjoying the surf, have a couple drinks and forget about your real life... LOL!

Well since I've been at work for an hour and a half now, I suppose I should do some actual work!

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