Friday, June 03, 2005

the week from hell...

You know I knew it was going to be a bad week on Sunday. I woke up and my bionic arm (titanium plate and six screws, long story) was hurting. It was followed by much swelling and pain, my left foot also decided to blow up for no apparent reason. Anyway, all this was followed by three trips to the hospital for tests, one that included shooting radio-active material into the top of my freakin foot!!! OUCH!! Two sets of x-rays and a trip to the doctor later, they have no clue what's wrong.

I was supposed to go somewhere on Wednesday evening, that fell through as well. Circumstances beyond anyone's control but still... I was disappointed. Maybe later I can go again. :(

Been doing some moon-lighting on the side... hehehe... the password to the ftp site has been changed and I can't upload the changes... UGH!!!

Anyway, the weekend ahead doesn't look to be much better. My life stinks! Oh well, it's bound to improve sometime soon I suppose. I'll just hang in there for now :)

1 comment:

Paula R said...

It has improved... just had to wait out the "bad spell"... :)