Thursday, September 01, 2005


Oh this was so bad I had to delete it! lol

Thursday, August 18, 2005

yeah yeah

Ok, I know, it's been a while... shut up... I have so much to bitch about that I'm just going to shut my damn mouth and give you all a reprieve...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I can't win

Ok, I give up... today, my boss tells me she's on vacation next week and forgot to do some stuff so now I get to, find out my daughter stole $40 from my grandma, my crown fell off my tooth and, to top it all off, I am flat broke and don't get paid for 8 more days. I mean why is it that when it rains it pours? Why is life so crappy sometimes?

I don't know, I'm just pissed off... lol... If anyone has an answer, please let me know!!!
p :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

If people pull anymore!!!!

I have HAD IT! If I get pulled in one more direction, I'm going to be drawn and quartered!

Let me just say that being union president is a THANKLESS JOB! NO pay, NO thanks, NO bullshit!! lol Why can't people just follow the rules? Why is it when administrative types find a loop-hole they insist on exploiting it? I've been at work for six hours and have done NO WORK. Too busy trying to fight the man! lol

All this might help explain the four day headache I have.

Why are educators and the people that support them so underpaid? Does the general public realize that we are paid UNDER poverty level? Do they realize that the private sector makes probably 10-20% more for a comparable position? Do people want their children educated by people who hate their jobs because they are STARVING? It just makes no sense to me.... someone please.... EDUCATE ME!!! Oh yeah, in case you didn't guess... I work in education, support staff.

Monday, July 18, 2005

ok... yeah... i've been delinquent!

Yeah, I've been delinquent. I know... over month since I blogged! Bad girl!!! LOL

I have been really busy this summer, kids going here and there and since I'm the driver... well you get the idea.

I've also had two deaths at work in the last two weeks, that was difficult to deal with and, they say deaths come in three's... I keep looking around wondering who the next one will be and hoping it's not me! I know, it's morbid...

So what else? Ahhhh yes, broke as a joke! Hatin' on the JOB! Jeez I need a vacation! You know, the kind where you just hang out at the beach all day long... basking in the sun, enjoying the surf, have a couple drinks and forget about your real life... LOL!

Well since I've been at work for an hour and a half now, I suppose I should do some actual work!

Friday, June 03, 2005

the week from hell...

You know I knew it was going to be a bad week on Sunday. I woke up and my bionic arm (titanium plate and six screws, long story) was hurting. It was followed by much swelling and pain, my left foot also decided to blow up for no apparent reason. Anyway, all this was followed by three trips to the hospital for tests, one that included shooting radio-active material into the top of my freakin foot!!! OUCH!! Two sets of x-rays and a trip to the doctor later, they have no clue what's wrong.

I was supposed to go somewhere on Wednesday evening, that fell through as well. Circumstances beyond anyone's control but still... I was disappointed. Maybe later I can go again. :(

Been doing some moon-lighting on the side... hehehe... the password to the ftp site has been changed and I can't upload the changes... UGH!!!

Anyway, the weekend ahead doesn't look to be much better. My life stinks! Oh well, it's bound to improve sometime soon I suppose. I'll just hang in there for now :)

Saturday, May 28, 2005

just me again :) Posted by Hello

Being alone

Yes deleted. lol

Monday, May 16, 2005


Well... I have to say, I know I should be more attentive to my car's needs. However, I'm not. My poor car, it is a 1997 Monte Carlo, 161,000 miles on it. Today, the driver's back tire died. Poor thing, not only was it bald, it also lost all it's wires in that spot too. I feel sorry for the tire. Thank God it decided to die while it was parked not while I was driving it!

As if my car hasn't had enough trauma, not only did the tire die but so did the battery. The battery hasn't actually passed on just yet. It still has about half life left. It's enough to start the poor car but barely. Poor thing.

Poor car.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Passing of Time

Hello to my sparce readership!! LMAO!! Today I was thinking... why is it when you get past say 30 or so, the years simply fly by? I mean I can remember being in my 20's quite well, hell, even early 30's. One day you blink and KABAM!!! It's not right.... :( I mean, I still feel like I'm in my 20's, I look like I'm in my 20's, why do I have to be getting old!

All this is brought on by the fact that my oldest child is graduating from high school in two weeks. It sucks. I'm not sad that he's graduating or growing up, I'm fine with that aspect of it all. What I'm REALLY UPSET about is the fact that that means I'm getting old!!!!!!!!!!!!

K... that's my rant for the day!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Speaking of being cheesy :)

deleted... lol

Just me being cheesy :) Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 30, 2005

One more thing

Why is it that only Brother Kojak and Blonde Ambition post to me? I know you sneaky bastards are reading this. Leave a message!!! Even if it just says I'm boring!

i've been delinquent

DAYUM!! I haven't blogged for a few days... been busy... been delinquent with a lot of things actually. OOPS!!

So, here's what's on my mind...

If you're dating a guy, should he primarily pay for the dates? I mean let's say he has more money than you and he lives about four hours from you. If you're going to do the driving, should the cost be on him? I say yes. I'm kinda old school about that shit. It's how things used to be, when did they change? And why did they change? It's nice to be taken care of to a point, nothing wrong with that. I don't know... just my thoughts on that.


Why is it that you click so well with some people even if they are far away? And is the internet a good thing or a bad thing for that? I mean it enables you to meet so many different people that you may never meet. That kind of sucks.


Why can't we make enough money to live well? I mean our economy is sooooooo horrid right now and everyone just keeps pretending like everything is going to be just fine. I don't get that. Just because George stands up and says things are fine people... doesn't make it true!

Stop being sheep! Think, react, have an opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2005

the trappings of life

Why is it so easy to fall into the traps of life? I know, broad question, but why is it so easy? My boss is a woman, which in and of itself poses a host of problems since I am one too. Women working for women is just not good. I can't flirt and make her bad moods go away. And, she has pleanty of bad moods, trust me. She's been on a roll for about two months now and everyone in the office has a bad case of bad morale.

Now I'm usually a happy person, but lately I've noticed that I'm turning into a biatch too! I can't have this negativity in my life. I can't stand these feelings of anger and ridiculous "woman" behavior!!! I am above this!!!

So, tonight I've decided to just chill out! I don't need to play into the trappings of everyday ho-hum life. I can still be me and be happy even though everyone else around me is a miserable lump. Back to being me and glad of it!!


Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Perfect Fit

Well, for some time this has been a slight problem for me but recently, I've lost a considerable amount of weight and things have become worse instead of better. I originally was a 40DD and after losing 35 lbs. I am now a 38DDD. Now, this is all fine and dandy, however, do you have any clue how hard it is to even find a 38DDD bra in a store? And, if you do, do you have any clue how much one costs? Well, let me just tell you; they are around $55 for one and it's probably ugly on top of it.

Do people who design these things think that just because you have big boobs that you want to look like a grandma? I mean they are either something you would picture your 80 year old grandma in or a ridiculous amount of lace, usually itchy, and in some nasty neon color or a giant pink slingshot waiting to be burned. It's disgusting and frustrating.

I just want a bra, is that so much to ask? And God, if it could be just a little pretty, I promise I'll shut up and pay the $75 for the damn thing too!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Will I ever be able to sleep in again????????

Life is ridiculous! Is it so much to ask that you have the ability to sleep in just one day a week?

So, today I could have slept in, would have slept in, if it weren't for my stupid internal clock that won't let me! Up at 8:30 am on a damn Saturday! Now, I know that is sleeping in for some and even for me it's better than the weekday 6:30 am, but still... I'm talking sleeping in, like until 10 am or something. You know that kind of sleeping in you do that when you get up you feel like you've been rejuvinated. Give me some of that!

And Rico, look!!! I blogged two days straight!

well maybe not perfect Posted by Hello

Friday, April 22, 2005

my first blog :)

Well... here's my fist blog... hehehehe....

I had a crapy week, busy as hell at work, I'm a graphic designer for a community college :) Fun job but I'm glad it's Friday!! Oh, only three more Friday's to work before I have 14 glorious one's off for the summer! Oh Yeah Baby!

I wish I had an interesting life I could write about... but mine is sometimes more like a soap opera than a real life so for now, I'm keeping it to myself... lmao!

Oh yeah... I'm bad at blogging... workin on that tho!