Tuesday, July 19, 2005

If people pull anymore!!!!

I have HAD IT! If I get pulled in one more direction, I'm going to be drawn and quartered!

Let me just say that being union president is a THANKLESS JOB! NO pay, NO thanks, NO bullshit!! lol Why can't people just follow the rules? Why is it when administrative types find a loop-hole they insist on exploiting it? I've been at work for six hours and have done NO WORK. Too busy trying to fight the man! lol

All this might help explain the four day headache I have.

Why are educators and the people that support them so underpaid? Does the general public realize that we are paid UNDER poverty level? Do they realize that the private sector makes probably 10-20% more for a comparable position? Do people want their children educated by people who hate their jobs because they are STARVING? It just makes no sense to me.... someone please.... EDUCATE ME!!! Oh yeah, in case you didn't guess... I work in education, support staff.

1 comment:

Brother Kojak said...

Yeah, but no one want to pay those taxes REGARDLESS of their income level.